
National TRAP Program

The Solutions

Information from coordinated, standardized data collection allows for the identification of the primary types, sources, and locations of lost fishing traps, high use conflict areas, and significant ecological and economic impacts – information that will serve to guide the development of effective preventative measures.

The Nationwide TRAP Program aims to streamline and harmonize data collection methodology and create comparable data that support standardization, increased data sharing, more accurate impact assessments, and meaningful derelict fishing trap policies that reduce trap loss and mitigate harmful effects. The Program enhances the ability to understand, manage, mitigate, and prevent derelict fishing traps through industry and community outreach activities and allows for more efficient and effective leveraging of resources among derelict fishing trap  removal partners. Obtaining relevant data on the occurrence and distribution of derelict fishing traps is critical for inferring ecological and socio-economic impacts, as well as preventing future gear loss.